Covenant for A New Year

Hebrews 8:1-
The word Covenant is used over 260 times in the Bible.

I: What is Covenant and How is it Made?
1. “Covenant is a contrast between Man and God or between Men and Men.”
A Covenant is a promise made and received.
2. A Covenant is made by:
a. Joining of hands. Ezekiel 17:18 (Abraham by an Oath). Genesis 21:31 (Abimaleck)
b. A heap of stones. Genesis 31:46 (Jacob and Laban)
c. A feast. Genesis 26:30 (Issac).
d. Eating of salt. Numbers 18:19
3. Gods covenant with men:
a. Ratified by signs, smoking furnace, or a burning lamp.
b. By the shedding of blood.
c. By the crucifixion of Christ.

II: Gods covenant with Abraham. Gen. 12:1-3
1. “I will make of thee a great nation.”
2. “I will bless thee and make thy name great.”
3. “Thou shalt be a blessing.”
4. “I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee.”
5. “In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

III: Gods covenant with Israel. Exodus 6:7
1. God covenants only with a redeemed people.
2. “God renews the covenant with Israel. They were to be a Kingdom of Priests.”
Exodus 19:4-7
3. Israel was always ready to claim the covenant but reluctant to assume the responsibilities.
4. Israel became proud, arrogant, and exclusive.
5. She forgot her spiritual mission in her pursuit of material things.
6. 2 things brought about her failure:
a. She wanted to be like her pagan neighbors.
b. She thought of military conquest rather than a spiritual crusade.

IV: Gods covenant with the Church.
1. “Go ye … and low I am with you.” Matt. 28
2. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a perculiar people.” Peter I 2:4-10.
3. When an individual accepts Christ atoning sacrifice he accepts the responsibility of the covenent.

V: A covenant for a new year.
1. Accept all that my salvation included responsibility and salvation.
2. Take my place as a Priest.
3. Never be in a position of showing shame for being a Christian.
4. Accept my responsibility to tell others of Christ.
5. I will covenant with God to become a blessing in preparation to the blessings I have received.