Concerning the Collection

Cor. 1 9:1-16, 16:1-4
Paul was concerned about the collection and he wanted the Church at Corninth to be concerned also. This was one of their greatest failures and it was the only thing Paul owed and gave an apology for.

I: We ought to be concerned about the Collection.

1. The Collection keeps the building open, turns on lights, heats or cools, hires a Janitor or office help, furnishes equipment, piano, organ, Youth Programs and adult needs, Pastor to preach, visit sick, needy, marry the living, bury the dead, and bear the complicated burdens of every discription. Preaches the Gospel around the world, and is a spiritual gage of our love and devotion to the Master. It’s the bugle call of loyalty. (Santa Moniea High School Bugle).
2. Pastors ought to be concerned.
a. Strong financial program is essential to the solving of a multitude of Spiritual problems!
b. The deacons ought to be concerned.
c. Every Christian member is vitally connected with the success or failure of the financial program, (The bankers of Grover City and Delano).
3. God is concerned:
a. He has given much instruction about the collection.
b. He has a program that waits on the collection.
c. He has tied man’s spiritual welfare to the collection. “Will man rob God?”
4. God’s concern hasn’t changed in this day of Grace.

II: The Time and Place of the Collection:
1. “Upon the 1st day of the week,” Old Testament it was the Sabbath.
2. The place was the “Storehouse” in the Old Testament. In the New Testament it was the local church.
No church can be stronger than its members loyalty here.
3. When members designate their tite by sending their favorite radio or pet needs, they weaken the local church that much.
4. Our own church suffered these past 2 yrs. through this channel.
5. God has a time and a place for His people to meet this great obligation.

III: The Portion “As God has prospered Him.”
1. The tithe is God’s minimum. “It is holy unto the Lord.” Leviticus 27:30.
a. Man has no plan that is fairer!
b. It’s as fair for the poor as the rich.
2. None can give an offering until the Tithe is surpassed.

IV: Why the collection?
1. “That there may be meat in mine house.” Malachi 3:10.
2. If Baptists tithed we could run instead of crawl.
3. In the tithe there is no embarrisement before the World. It’s the Plan of God for an honorable way to finance His kingdom.
4. Tithing shows:
a. A Christians Obedience.
b. A Christians Faith.
c. A Christians Love.
d. A Christians Surrender.
e. It helps the Church to carry out the world wide task given by the Master.