“When I Saw Him”
Rev. 1:10-20 The Eternal Christ I: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.” 1. Many miss the miracles and blessings by not being in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. 2. The best place to be in the Spirit is to be where God wants you on the Lord’s Day! 3. “Heard.” vs. 11. Ears turned to Spiritual Sounds. 4. “I saw.” Eyes clear. II: “I Saw Him.” 1. “I fell at His feet as dead.” His glory blinded and paralized John. 2. John was overwhelmed, over-powered, and his very life seemed to ebb away. 3. Why was John so efffected? He had been very close to Jesus on Earth! a. He lay his head on his bosom at the Last Supper. b. He watched Jesus die on a cruel cross. 4. John saw more than a Godly Man could...
The Rock Foundation
Matt. 7:21-27 Christ warned of false prophets and false standards. I: Words must be coupled with action. 1. Many process to believe in God but refuse to submit to His will. 2. Many do what they think is the will of God but never stop to consult his word. 3. Jesus only will acknowledge those whom he has known personally. II: The wise man built upon the Rock. 1. He heard the word of God and obeyed. 2. “He digged deep,” but went all the way to the rock. 3. He went below all the trash and mud in his life. 4. He went below the membership of a chrch. 5. He went below predujice, party or creed. 6. He wanted his family to live in a house that would stand the storms of strife, sin, sorrow, and eternity. 7. When the storms came his fears were overcome by...
Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 10:17-21 When one meets Jesus he must make the most important decision of his life. I: The rich young ruler: 1. “There came one running.” 2. “And kneeled to him.” 3. “And asked him, Good master.” 4. “What shall I do?” 5. “That I may inherit eternal life?” 6. He came in haste, he took a humble posture, he asked what he could do, he wanted eternal life. II: “And Jesus said unto him.” 1. Are you addressing me as God? What do you mean by what you have said? (Adam, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Peter, and Paul). 2. Are you practicing what you know is right? a. You know right, are you living right? b. Adultery can be in looks and thought. c. Lies can be told by half truths. d. There...
Luke 1:9, 2:14, John 1:10-13, and Isaiah 9:5-7 Peace: concord, harmony, friendliness, calmness, quiet, unperturbed, reconciliation. Discord or Discension: war, disagreement, dispute, disharmony, jangle. I: The world to which He came. Greater temple than Solomon built. 1. The Roman soldiers were in control of the Holy Land. 2. The pagan gods were prevelent. 3. People were weary of war and strife. 4. Taxes were heavy and poverty was prevelent. 5. Spies prevaded Jerusalem. 6. A wicked ruler held life and death. II: The world in which we live. 1. War, strife, unrest, apeasement, and suspecion. 2. American boys are policing the world that doesn’t want them. “Go home Yankee.” 3. Our financing of foreign aid puts the tax load at an all time high. 4. We...
If This were My Last Year
James 4:13-17, Phil. 3:13-14 “One thing I know.” John 9:25 “One thing have I discussed.” Psalms 27:4 I: “This one thing I do.” 1. Many things will call for our attention. a. The past will say, “We have always done it this way.” b. Procrastination will say: “Don’t be in such a hurry there is plenty of time.” c. Memory will call for us to live in the past. 2. But vital faith will call us to the need of the present hour and move us to prepare for the future. 3. If this were my last year, I’d try to finish at least 1 good job instead of starting many and finishing none. II: I would think more in the realm of eternity. 1. I would prepare for eternity. 2. I would acquire assets that would last thru...