Gods Financial Plan for the Church
Malachi 3:8-17
“The silver is mine and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of Host.” Haggai 2:8.
“For all the Earth is mine.” Exodus 19:5.
“The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof; the World and they that dwell therein.” Psalms 24:1.
God owns all, man merely possesses it.
I: The law of the tithe is as old as the human race.
1. The tithe recognizes that God owns everything.
2. The tithe is God’s rent and man is the renter.
3. Abraham was a tither.
4. Jacob made a pledge to God that he would pay the tithe.
5. “Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of the seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.” Dueteronomy 14:22.
6. God closed the windows of Heaven when Israel robbed Him of the tithe. Malachi 3:8-17.
7. Jesus taught tithe. “Ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God; these ought ye to have done, and not leave the other undone.” Luke 11:42-.
Jesus never lowered an Old Testament Standard, but raised.
II: God didn’t leave the Church without a financial plan.
1. The Churches business is the biggest business in the World.
2. To fail in our financial obligations is to put a muzzle on the Church, (Old Prince).
3. The Devil’s people move foreward.
a. The early Church tithed and gave liberal offerings.
b. When Church and State united, the tithe was collected by the State.
c. The Church tied to it’s obligations and the Dark Ages were on.
d. The Churches of the reformation shied from the tithe because of the abuse it had received.
III: “In just that way the Lord directed that those who preach the good news should get their living from it.” Cor. 1 9:1-18.
1. Paul and Barnabas had a right to take a wife with them and to expect support from the churches.
2. “You shall not muzzle the ox that is treading out the grain.” God was concerned about the muzzle that tight fisted, selfish men would put on His ministers. He was concerned about the muzzle being so tight that the work would be hindered.
3. The Plowman ought to plow in hope of sharing in the increased crop.
IV: Paul’s Apology to the Church of Corinth: Cor. 2 11:7-11, 12:11-13
1. I preached to you without pay.
2. I robbed other churches, (someone had to food the bill).
3. I never burdened you with my needs, the brothers from Macedonia met my needs.
4. In what way did the other Churches have advantage of you?
a. I failed to teach you tithe.
b. I failed to teach you to meet the burdens of a Preacher.
c. “You must forgive that wrong. It’s not your money but yourselves that I want.”
Are you robbing God?
Will you make a pledge to meet the tithe this coming year?
Do you believe in pledge? To wife, to Landlord, to credit place, why not to God?
Gods Financial Plan for the Church
Cor. 1 9:1-18
I: God set the tithe for the Church.
1. Jesus commanded the tithe. Matthew 23:23.
2. Jesus never once left the impression that grace excluded the tithe.
3. The Pharisees thought Jesus was a tither.
4. The Apostles believed and practiced the tithe.
II: Paul taught tithing to Corinth, (chapter 9).
1. Vidicated his Apostleship, (4 teachings and Paul).
2. Stated his right to be cared for by the Church.
3. Quoted the law and said plainly God ordained the same principles of finance for the New Testament Church.
4. He worked rather than have them misunderstand him on the money question.
5. Paul stated a time to pay the tithe. Cor. 1 16:1-14.
III: Paul taught tithe and offerings.
1. The liverality of Macedonia. Cor. 2 8:1-15.
2. Corinth urged to excel in an offering for Jerusalem.
3. “Let your readiness to undertake be equaled by how you finish up.”
4. The value of gift is in preportion to what he has.
IV: Gifts and Willingness to Give:
1. The man who sows sparingly will reap sparingly.
2. The man who sows generously…
3. “Everyone give as he has made up his mind not reluctant nor under compulsion. God loves a man who is glad to give.”
4. “God is able to provide…”
5. Their liberality would be noticed by men and bring praise to God.
V: Pauls only apology. Cor. 2 11:7-11.
1. “I preached God’s good news to you without any compensation.”
2. “I robbed other churches.”
3. “Even when I was with you and very hard up, I didn’t bother any of you.”
4. “I kept myself from being a burden to you.”
5. “What makes you feel so inferior to other churches? Is it because I have not allowed you to support me financially? My humblest apoligies for ths great wrong!”
The Church has this responsibility to teach Her people, to lead them to commit themselves to God’s plan of finance as well as His plan of salvation. Cor. 2 12:11-.