Dedicated Hands

Psalms 18:20-24, Romans 6:12

I: The Hands and Their Language:
1. The crossed fingers.
2. The extended hand of friendship.
3. The accusing finger.
4. The helpless turning of the palm.
5. The folded hands of prayer.
6. The thumbs down hands.
7. The hands raised to invoke the blessing of God.
8. The clinched fist or the spread fingers of greed.

II: Hands that Curse:
1. Like the hands of the sons of Eli.
2. Hands of those that shed innocent blood.
3. Bloody hands of Pilot.
4. Greedy hands of Judas.
5. Lying hands of Ananias & Sapphirs.
6. The hands that withhold to their own hurt.
7. Hands that lay idle while there is work to do.
8. Hands that hold the brake while others pull.

III: Hands that Bless:
1. Like the hands of Abraham.
2. The hands of Moses.
3. The hands of Elijah.
4. The hands of Ruth.
5. The hands of Dorcus.
6. Hands of Mary on the Alabaster bos.
7. The hands of Jesus, healing, blessing, knocking on sinners doors, washing the disciples feet and pierced on Calvary’s cross.

IV: Dedicated Hands:
1. Jesus truly set the example.
2. Paul, the Apostle, had dedicated hands.
3. The Church can never do her work without dedicated hands.
4. Souls will be lost eternally except Christians dedicate their hands.
5. Sinners ought to feel the need for clean hands.