The Church Body

Corinthians 1 12:1-27
Distinction had the Corinthian Church.

I: Organization:
1. God’s first laws of the Universe is order.
2. Man accomplishes more by organization.
3. The Corinthians failed to see that the church was not a hit and miss organization.
4. The church had many functional parts, but one director.
5. The organization and placing of parts was the work of the Holy Spirit.
6. The correct function of every member was necessary for profitable existence. Every member contributing to the welfare of the church.

II: Corporation:
1. Paul used the human body to illustrate.
a. The body has many members.
b. The body can operate without some members, but it will be handicapped. (Adel Blaylock, Homer Callahand)
2. No room for self-depreciation, Verses 15-16.
     “If the whole body were an eye.” Verse 17.
3. No room for depreciation of others. Verse 21.
4. The body can become paralyzed by a lack of cooperation.
5. “God hath tempered the body together.”
a. Welded the parts together.
b. “That there should be no schism in the body.”
c. The foot going to beaches, or deserts, the hands on way to worship — displaced members.

III: Appreciation:
1. The usefulness of others (Mrs. Rogers of Havana).
2. The dignity of the parts not seen or displayed.
3. When one member suffers, others feel the pain.
4. When one is honored others rejoice, no room for detached indifference!

IV: Obligation:
1. The parts have a strong obligation to each other.
2. If the church is like a body, then it has a definite obligation to every member to help it function properly.
3. A healthy body rushes aid to an injured part.
4. It heals or isolates.
5. “God hath set.” Verse 28 (Red — I’ve found my place, heel).

Here is the formula for a successful church — Every member is Responsible.

02/19/1967: Perris Valley,
04/28/1967: Temple Baptist, San Jose
04/13/1969: San Martin