Man Is A Standard

Corinthians 1 6:15-20, Ephesians 4:1-7, & Psalms 24:1-2

Man may strut across the pages of history like a peacock, & die like a buzzard.
Man may put up his posted ‘keep out’ signs, but cold and lifeless hands hold nothing.
No man can say his life is his own and he can do as he pleases with it.

I: No Man Is Self-Made.
1. God made man.
2. Every breath belongs to God.
3. Every drop of blood is His.
4. When man thinks of himself as owner of time and things, he loses the touch of eternity on his mind and soul.
5. Man is a steward and that cannot be changed.

II: God Has Attached Responsibility to Man’s Stewardship.
1. “The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof,” Psalms 24:1.
2. “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” Job.
3. We are renters in God’s house.
4. The man that said, “I will build bigger barns” met God empty-handed that night.
5. The Universe does not cater to the will of man.

III: What Do We Belong To?
1. The things that makes great men and women on the worthy desires that possesses them.
2. Not what we possess, but what possesses us makes us strong Christian stewards.
3. Sad and sorry is the man that feels he does God little favors along the road of life.

Mr. England, Havana “I thought I would honor you with my presence this morning.”

IV: Actions Speak Louder than Words.
1. Where your treasure is, there will be your heat also, (heart-felt stewardship).
2. Daily walk tells people what possesses us.
Business, social, job, and pleasures.
3. We belong to what we value most.
“Seek ye First…” “Walk worthy…”

V: Total Stewardship:
1. “How deep can I go?” Milk.
2. Romans 14:12 “Every one of us shall guide an account of himself to God.”
3. Well done my Good and Faithful Servant.

11/29/1972, 3 PM: Perris Valley Stewardship & fifth Sunday with Valley Vista.