Husband, Wife, and Christian Home

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“The beginning of every honored Institutions on Earth is at the Family Hearth.” The pools of state and Local Government reach back into the home. The attitudes toward life and all its relationships come from the home. The 1st Nursery was a home, the 1st School was a home, the 1st Hospital was a home, the 1st Manufacturing Establishment was in the home. The 1st religious Institution was the home. We as a Nation can never rise about the Spiritual Lever of our home.” Matt. 24:27

Dr. Perry Webb — San Antonio, Texas.


Missionaries, the best witness we give is in the qualities of our homes. The Home is our 1st line of defense (The Great Wall of China). The 1st Home established by God in a simple Wedding Ceremony.
Dr. Elder: “A friend of mine said that 50% of the people he counseled were neurotics, because they were not married, and the other 50% because they were.”

4 Words for Quitting a Christian Marriage.
1. Illustrate: Be what you want your husband or wife to be. Set the example.
“You can’t expect your wife to be an angle while you treat her like the devil. Children have more need of models than critics.” Billy Sunderance.
2. Identify: Put yourself in her place. See the world through each others eyes.
“Don’t criticize another until you have walked in their moccasin for 2 weeks. Compassion and love are twins.” “So that’s the hussy he’s in love with.”
3. Cultivate: Marriage may start in Heaven, but they are cultivated on Earth.
4. Communicate: Ice of indifference and neglect can form on the lines of Communication. Marriage can become a living hell when communication is destroyed.

In session and out of session, heat and cold, wind, storm, and rain. Improved cultivation has made America a land of abundant food. Poor Cultivation of marriage has brought us to bankruptcy.