Without A Vision

Proverbs 29:18,    Acts 26:19, and    Amos 8:11-12

The future belongs to men of Vision. There are different types of visions, but a vision reveals the things of God. Where there was a lack of the hearing, the Word of God there was no vision.
Napoleon said that Men of Vision ruled the World.

I: Without A Vision Life Loses its Drive and Purpose.
1. When the Children of Israel lost their vision of the Promise Land, they grumbled and complained.
a. When their Vision of a land of Milk and Honey faded, they lusted for the flesh pots of Egypt.
b. The 10 spies looked upon walled Cities and Giants until they lost sight of the Land and of God.
c. When there came a growth of the Word of God, they became Captives of Babylon.
2. The Church became weak and helpless when she lost a vision of God and was blinded by material things. Wherever the Church has tried to walk by Sight or Common Sense, she has lost her eyes.
3. When Men and Women lose a vision of God, they become bound by the World.
a. Samson lost his vision because of Sin.
b. A man without a vision is like a ship without a rudder.
c. The most harmful man to the Church is the 1 that lets material things blind him to the Will of God.

II: With A Vision:
1. The Vision of Moses drove him to attempt the impossible.
2. The Vision of Israel moved them out of bondage.
3. The Vision of Joshua and Caleb moved them to desired action.
4. Nehemiah Vision sent him to rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem.
5. The Vision of the early Church moved them to do the impossible.

III: Unfaithfulness to the Vision will Bring A Drought to Our Souls.
1. When the Will of God is ignored we soon find we no longer know His Will.
2. The Holy Spirit soon ceases to call us to duty because we have failed to obey in the past.
3. Paul was a happy man because he could say he was faithful to the Visions God gave him.

IV: A Clear Vision:
1. Must see the end results of this way.
2. Must see the effect upon others.
3. Must see with the eyes of Compassion.
4. Must see clearly the 2 ways of life.

Without a vision the people perish! (World Opinions forms our Foreign Policies).