Christ Interprets Life

John 6:22-44, 10:10, and Cor. 2 4:8-18

I: The day following.
1. The feeding of the 5,000.
2. The attempt to make him king.
3. He walked on the sea.

II: The crowd was in quest of life.
1. They saw no life in the miracles.
2. They failed to see life in Christ’s teachings.
3. To them life was a full stomach.
4. They placed life in the material. To place life on the material is to meet heartache, disappointment, and eternal death.

III: Christ was there to impart life.
1. The fundamental difference was in the interpretation of life.
2. Real life is the eternal spiritual.
3. Christ came to redeem man and to satisfy the longing heart.

IV: Labouring for the eternal bread.
1. Read the bible like digging for hidden treasure.
2. Wrestle in prayer as though you grappled with a deadly enemy for your life.
3. Listen to God’s message like one that hears the reading of a will.
4. Fight daily against sin, like those who contend for liberty.

We must work the works of Christ of become slaves of the material!