Neither Hot Nor Cold.

Revelation 3:15-17

I: Who was he speaking to?
1. The Church at Laodicia.
2. Not infidels or atheists.
3. Not the sinner or the one that had never heard of Jesus.
4. It was to a church that was neither hot or cold.
5. To one that thought they were well off.

II: Is it better to be cold?
1. Jesus would prefer us to be cold rather than lukewarm.
2. You may feel it better to be lukewarm and go to Heaven!
3. For you it is better, but for many that you let go to Hell, because of your lukewarm life it’s not better!
4. All some people will know of Christ is what they see in you!
5. A lukewarm person may keep an entire family away from Jesus.
6. A lukewarm Church may insulate a town from the Gospel.
7. Jesus is saying that it would be better to get away from the Church than to remain in it at a lukewarm existence.
8. A lukewarm member does more harm than a dozen atheists or drunkards.

III: A Lukewarm Christian is Self-satisfied:
1. They are complacent and feel no burden for their sins.
2. They are concerned more about their feelings than the Masters work.
3. More moved by their desires than the needs of their Church.
4. They don’t care that their burried talent grieves the Master.
5. They are more concerned with television on Wednesday night than prayer meeting.

IV: Lukewarm Christians have no desire for Holiness.
1. It’s more important to satisfy a pleasure than seek separation.
2. If the outside of the cup is clean, it’s enough.
3. It is ok to pray for God to forgive our sins, but we have no intention of quitting them.
4. A lukewarm Christian is hard to find among the worldly crown in pleasure or business, for they are no different.
5. They will be glad to take a job if it has no requirements.

V: Lukewarm Christianity has a small cup.
1. It fills up with false emotion, false tears, and false promises.
2. It takes very little church going.
3. It finds that John 3:16 is enough scripture to know.
4. It runs over with sorrow or self-pityt.
5. It fills up with resentment.

Are you lukewarm?