Presumptuous Sins

Numbers 15:29-31, Peter 2 2:10, and Psalm 19:1-14

I: No poor vision made for presumtuous sins. Numbers 15:
1. Every sin was covered except presumptuous sins.
2. Four things make a sin presumptuous:
a. Sinning against light and knowledge.
b. Deliberate sin.
c. Sin designed for sin.
d. Sin committed by rash confidence in one’s own strength.

II: Sin against light and knowledge.
1. God’s universe utters knowledge.
2. Nature cries out against sin.
3. We refuse to obey the light we have.
4. Sinning against a godly home and friends.

III: Sin against God’s warnings.
1. The warning of death.
2. Sickness warns.
3. Danger warns.

IV: Premeditated and Designed Sins:
1. Not in hast or moment unguarded, but sinning with thought and design.
2. Deliberately putting off the issue until an uncertain date.