Husband, Wife, and Christian Home

“The beginning of every honored Institutions on Earth is at the Family Hearth.” The pools of state and Local Government reach back into the home. The attitudes toward life and all its relationships come from the home. The 1st Nursery was a home, the 1st School was a home, the 1st Hospital was a home, the 1st Manufacturing Establishment was in the home. The 1st religious Institution was the home. We as a Nation can never rise about the Spiritual Lever of our home.” Matt. 24:27 Dr. Perry Webb — San Antonio, Texas.   Missionaries, the best witness we give is in the qualities of our homes. The Home is our 1st line of defense (The Great Wall of China). The 1st Home established by God in a simple Wedding Ceremony. Dr. Elder: “A friend...

The Pilgrims

1. Sought religious livery in England & Holland. 2. Left Plymouth Harbor in September 1620. Landed at Cape Cod Nov. 9th after 65 days in the crowded quarters of the Mayflower. 3. They had hoped to land farther South and in much more favorable surroundings. 4. After 2 days of earnest prayer, the Pilgrims decided to seek a place to build near Plymouth Harbor. 5. From the Delaware to the Arctic, they had only the Indians and Barren cold country. 6. They sought a fit harbor, sweet water, and suitable building space. 7. They found an abandoned Indian Village with a supply of corn. 8. On December 23, they started cutting trees to build. Cold winds and driving rain hindered. 9. John Alden, John Carver, William Brewster, William Mullions, William Bradford, Samuel...

Valle Vista Baptist Church Adopted the Following Guidelines for Our Sunday School Staff:

1. It is both a privilege and responsibility to teach the Bible. 2. Bible Teaching is worthy of one’s best efforts. 3. The Bible teacher must seek the help of the Holy Spirit to become effective in the molding of lives. 4. Good Bible teaching requires preparation and dedication. 5. The faithful teacher will not leave a class without due notice or a definite substitute. 6. Every Department and Teacher needs time to prepare and plan together. 7. The attendance will increase in proportion to personal visits made. 8. The Teacher’s example in church attendance will affect the classes attitude toward the regular services of the Church. 9. Teaching to affect change should be the aim of the Bible Teaching Program. 10. Total commitment should be the...

Shadows of Change

Deut. 6:10-12,    Jeremiah 2:32,    Nihamiah 8:14-18,    Psalm 19 It was the Autumn of 1607 that religious principles of conformity began to change the lives of many Englishmen. John Wycliff had much to do with independence that agitated the currents of England. Henry VIII added to the fires of Independence by becoming head of the Church of England. The Puritans held that the Bible was paramount higher than any man even though that man be King. They believed in the responsibility of the Individual conscience. They placed all men equal before their Creator. They denied the claim of any power to prescribe in matters of the soul. In 1606, James V determined to break the Puritans or run them from the land. William Brewster led in 2 attempts to flee Holland, and most...

The End of the Road For 25,000 Americans

Every 2 1/2 minutes, someone in the United States tries to commit suicide. Most of them fail. Yet each year 25,000 Americans are successful – a strange but necessary usage of the world! Although suicide is called the “West Coast weakness,” every West Coast clergyman knows the troubled people who come West because they found life in the EAst intolerable. The “West Coast weakness,” is simply the end of the road for many who have traveled a long way, and when the golden symbols of a new life in the West grow pale, restricted by the forbidding vast Pacific, they then and there abandon all hope — and finally life itself. The suicide of Marilyn Monroe — young, beautiful, affluent, and a symbol of pleasure – has done much...

From Parson to Person. A minister writes his people:

Dear Friend: Our church Membership 1400 Nonresident Membership 75 Balance left to do the work 1325 Elderly folks who have done their share in the past 25 Balance left to do the work 1300 Sick and shut-in folks 25 Balance left to do the work 1275 Members who do not pledge 350 Balance left to do the work 925 Christmas & Easter Members 300 Balance left to do the work 625 Members who are too tired or overworked 300 Balance left to do the work 325 Alibiers 200 Balance left to do the work 125 Members who are too busy somewhere else 123 Balance left to do the work 2 “Just you and me – and, brother, you’d better get busy, for it’s too much for...